
Can you explain the height, width, and length of the port?

Can you please explain the height, width, and length of the port? I have changed the height of the port to different numbers but the 3d rendering does not show any changes. I don't understand. When I go to view the parts, none of the dimension change. What part of the port does height and width signify?

Fi Car Audio FI Q 12 NEO

Fi Car Audio FI Q 12 NEO

Fs: 33.3 Hz, Vas: 29.6l, Qts: 0.38

Fi Car Audio FI Q 12 NEO


Vented, Vb: 56.6l, Fb: 30Hz

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Did you place the port into the box?

+0 MAG

11 May 2019, 13:56

If your box is 10" height, 10" width and 10" length and youre using 3/4" wood, the your port would be 8 1/2" in height. The width is up to you, just mess with it until you get the right number. Port length is measure from the center of the port until the end of the port (to keep it simple). Hope this helped a little bit.

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+0 MAG

11 May 2019, 13:58

This is the case if youre using A RECTANGLE VENT

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